Agency Handy

AgencyHandy Color


Don't Just Manage Projects, Manage Your Agency with Agency Handy serves lukewarm leads? Agency Handy heats things up! Showcase your expertise with a beautiful service catalog. Close deals lightning-fast with clear pricing. Wow clients with flawless project execution and clear communication. Everything you need to win more business and create raving fans – all on one powerful platform.

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Group 1000004215

Agency Handy VS.

Feature-by-Feature Comparison


Agency Handy

Multiple Workspaces Support

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Task Management

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Frame 1000007777

File Management

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Frame 1000007777

Custom Branding

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Client Management

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Service Catalog

Frame 1000007777

Dashboard Overview

Frame 1000007777

Multi-Language Support

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Custom Intake/ Order Forms

Frame 1000007777

Ticketing System

Frame 1000007777

File Library

Frame 1000007777

Payment Integrations

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Private Comments

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

File Feedback

Frame 1000007777


Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Quotations/ Proposals

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Recurring Subscriptions & One-Time Payments

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

Multi-Currency Support

Frame 1000007777
Frame 1000007777

What Our Clients Say!

Why You Should Choose Agency Handy Over

AgencyHandy Service Catalog

Turn Your Website into a Sales Engine hides your services, While Agency Handy lets you create & embed services, turning your website into a lead generation machine.

Don’t force clients to hunt for your services! Agency Handy’s seamless website integration lets you embed your service catalog directly on your website.  Clients can browse offerings, get instant quotes, and even place orders – all without ever leaving your site.  Simplify the sales process, capture leads effortlessly, and convert website visitors into paying clients with Agency Handy’s powerful service showcasing features.

Close Deals On-the-Spot: From Inquiry to Purchase in Minutes forces clients to wait for quotes. Agency Handy's order forms allow clients to take control and complete purchases instantly.

Don’t keep clients waiting for quotes! Agency Handy offers a seamless self-service experience:

  • Order Forms: Provide clients with clear pricing options, add-ons, and even self-checkout, making it easy for them to say “yes” to your services.
  • Intake Forms: Capture order details upfront through customizable forms, ensuring you have the information you need to hit the ground running.
  • Custom Quotes: Craft professional proposals and estimates with ease, keeping everything organized and efficient within the platform to seal the deal.

Experience faster onboarding, happier clients, and a sales cycle that never sleeps!

AgencyHandy Single Service
AgencyHandy Dashboard

See What's Working (and What's Not) in Real Time leaves you in the dark. Agency Handy lets you monitor performance in real time and make adjustments for optimal results.

Stop flying blind! Agency Handy’s comprehensive dashboard provides real-time insights into your agency’s performance. Track key metrics like revenue, client acquisition, order volume, and project status – all in one centralized location. Gain valuable historical data with clear visualizations, allowing you to identify trends, optimize your service offerings, and make data-driven decisions for future success.

Manage Inquiries & Resolve Issues Effortlessly

Enhance your client experience with a centralized system for managing all support requests.

Turn frustrated clients into raving fans! Agency Handy’s ticketing system allows for efficient client support. Track inquiries, provide updates, and resolve issues within a dedicated ticket dashboard. Clients can directly communicate, see progress, feel valued, and experience a smoother journey. Focus on delivering projects on time and within budget while Agency Handy keeps everything organized and accessible.

AgencyHandy Tickets
AgencyHandy Multiple Workspace

One Login Does It All: Effortless Multi-Agency Management's single workspace creates chaos. Agency Handy's multi-workspaces simplify organization, boost security, and save you money.

Agency Handy’s multi-workspace feature eliminates the need for redundant licenses. Manage different teams, client bases, or business divisions under a single subscription. This allows you to scale your agency effectively without breaking the bank, all with one login for everything. Free up valuable time and resources to focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional results for your clients.

Explore More Features of Agency Handy








Client Portal

Custom Branding


Scalable Software Built for Agencies, By Agencies

Stop settling for mediocre software. Upgrade to Agency Handy and see your agency reach its full potential.


Modular Design

Every agency has unique workflows. Our modular design allows you to build the perfect platform for your specific needs, streamlining processes and boosting efficiency.


100% White Label

Agency Handy lets you remove all traces of our branding, allowing you to showcase your agency and present a professional, branded experience that fortifies your image.


Support & Feedback

We prioritize ongoing real-world agency-driven development. Share your feedback with our channels and community. Get quick support from our expert team for a seamless experience.


Agency Handy

Paid Plan Starts at


Monthly Billing


Frequently asked questions

Yes, we don’t nickel and dime you for every little feature. Here are more answers:

Absolutely! Agency Handy offers complete white labeling. This means you can remove any Agency Handy branding and customize email templates to perfectly match your company’s look and feel. Unlike, you won’t be stuck with their branding even if you want a fully customized experience.

Yes, Agency Handy boasts lightning-fast customer support. Our team typically responds to live chat inquiries within minutes, and critical issues get resolved within hours. Additionally, we have a helpful Facebook community and a transparent public roadmap where you can request features and track their progress in real time.

Agency Handy prioritizes user feedback. We have a public roadmap where you can request features, upvote others’ ideas, and see progress in real-time. This way, you can directly influence the platform’s development and ensure it caters to your needs.

Yes, Agency Handy utilizes DKIM/SPF authentication to ensure your emails land directly in client inboxes, not spam folders. This ensures your important messages get delivered and seen by your clients.

Agency Handy offers you advanced filtering and sorting across various elements. You can sort and filter not just services, but also orders, tickets, forms, proposals, and more. This flexibility allows you to organize your data efficiently and find what you need quickly.

Want to Find Out More Which One to Choose for Your Agency? Explore Our Detailed Comparison Guide Between Agency Handy and

Agency Handy is all about handling clients, orders, and invoices. It provides a customizable service catalog, robust client profiles, and a built-in ticketing system to facilitate the end-to-end order process. Agencies can easily showcase service offerings, collaborate with clients, track issues, and manage the lifecycle within one streamlined platform.

Then there is –, which is for managing projects. It’s designed as a smoother, lightweight project management software. While it enables collaboration across projects, its capabilities are more task and deliverable-focused out-of-the-box. offers flexibility for customization yet centers primarily on interactions within a project context compared to account management features.

This was just a quick overview of how they’re different. There is a lot more to explore. Let’s break down feature-by-feature differences, to help you come up with an informed decision.

Guide Topics​

Agency Handy Vs Kitchen.Co: Detailed Comparison

The above table lays out the key features and differences at a glance, diving deeper into the fundamentals can provide clearer insights into how each platform might suit your specific agency’s needs. 

1. Service Model 

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Service Catalog

Can create a catalog of services to showcase offerings

No native catalog, but pricing quotes include service details

Service Detail Page

Can build customizable pages to detail each service offering

No concept of service pages – limited primarily to project-based communication

Agency Handy outperforms when it comes to configuring and showcasing services, offering robust functionality to create customized service catalogs and pages compared to’s project-focused approach. For agencies looking to communicate their offerings clearly, Agency Handy provides the ideal toolkit.

Agency Handy’s strengths in structuring service details and promotion give Agency Handy the upper hand for agencies managing multiple lines of business. You can effortlessly highlight key information like pricing, descriptions, and available add-ons for each service in an organized and visually engaging way.

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Agency Handy enables the creation of a polished online catalog where clients can browse services, get quotes, and place orders directly from the shared catalog. The customizable service pages also let you tailor pages for every service, incorporating multimedia and calls-to-action to generate leads and embedding all your services directly to your website. These powerful features make it easy to keep services updated across sales and marketing materials.

In contrast, focuses more on managing active projects rather than showcasing service offerings upfront. While you can include service pricing and descriptions in client quotes, there is no centralized catalog or ability to create dedicated landing pages. This makes better suited for agencies that deliver specialized services rather than diverse offerings.

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With its robust catalog and page-building capabilities, Agency Handy simplifies promoting services and enables potential clients to explore offerings online easily. So for agencies looking to improve sales efficiency, Agency Handy offers superior tools to achieve service-driven growth.

2. Client Management

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Client Management Tools

Dedicated client profiles and management system

Clients can access the portal but no dedicated management system

Client Self-Service Capabilities

Additional client self-service features are available in theextensive client portal

Allows some client self-service via the portal

Ticketing system

Built-in ticketing system to track issues

No native ticketing system

Agency Handy offers superior client management capabilities compared to With dedicated client profiles and a centralized client page, Agency Handy makes organizing and overseeing clients effortless.

Agency Handy’s strengths in client management give agencies better oversight to provide high-quality service. The ability to track issues via a built-in ticketing system and enable certain self-service actions provides transparency in resolving client needs. This level of client access is not matched in the’s primarily internal-facing portal.

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Agency Handy enables the creation of customized client profiles with key information like contacts, history, and preferences all readily available. This streamlines understanding client requirements and delivering appropriate solutions. The client list overview also enables quickly reviewing the status of all clients in one glance.

Agency Handy also provides every client with their Client portal to manage their orders, tickets & payments. A central dashboard for each client to see what is happening with their orders constantly.

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In contrast, lacks a centralized client section. While clients can access a basic portal to submit payments or download files, there is no single page summarizing clients. There are also no options for clients to track tickets or independently manage certain actions. This approach requires agencies to manually piece together client information.

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With robust profiles, self-service capabilities, and issues tracking, Agency Handy makes account management and resolving concerns easier for improved client satisfaction. So for service agencies focused on client relationships, Agency Handy is the superior choice.

3. Order Management 

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Analytics and Reporting

High-level dashboard showing key metrics

No dashboard or reporting is available

Task Management Features

Full task management system included

Full task management system included

File Management Capabilities

Robust file management system included

Files can be uploaded and attached but no structured file management system

File Library

Centralized library for storing all files

No dedicated library page for files

Agency Handy pulls ahead of for order management, providing more advanced tracking and organization with its dashboard, structured file library, and robust management tools. For agencies that juggle multiple client projects, Agency Handy’s order oversight abilities lead the pack.

With high-level analytics and centralized storage, Agency Handy makes keeping projects on track a breeze. The intuitive dashboard offers real-time visibility into workload, issues, revenue, and other metrics so you can catch bottlenecks early. And the file library neatly organizes project assets for quick access without messy searches.

Additionally, Agency Handy equips you with a full-featured management suite to administer tasks, issues, teams, and billing. Through its powerful board views, ticket tracking, client approval options, and activity log, you can coordinate complex projects seamlessly while keeping clients looped in.

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On the other hand, delivers capable features for task planning and collaboration but falls short on aggregated reporting or structured documentation. While handy for lightweight coordination, the lack of portfolio-level insights and organization can hinder visibility for sprawling agencies.

With its robust toolkit, Agency Handy simplifies orchestrating client work at scale. For agencies needing an all-in-one command center to juggle a project portfolio, Agency Handy has proven superior project oversight.

4. Collaboration and Communication

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Commenting and Collaboration

Full suite of commenting and collaboration features

Full suite of commenting and collaboration features

Design Feedback Capabilities

No specialized design feedback tools

Robust design feedback system with approval workflows pulls ahead for collaboration and communication by offering robust design feedback tools compared to Agency Handy’s focus on task and project comments.

For creative agencies that regularly share visuals,’s specialized design review capabilities streamline getting client input. The structured feedback system enables securely sharing files, annotating images, and tracking approvals to align on design direction. makes it simple to iterate designs based on feedback by allowing comments directly on visuals. Clients can leave notes pinned to specific elements to clarify the edits needed. The layered approval process also means you can release final files confident clients signed off.

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While Agency Handy provides a full suite for commenting on tasks and orders, there are no unique tools for visual collaboration. File attachments on tasks allow sharing images but without dedicated workflows to collect feedback. This leaves collecting input and confirming approval more scattered.

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With its purpose-built design review toolkit, removes hassles in asset collaboration for branding, web, packaging, and similar projects. So for creative groups dependent on client feedback, delivers efficiency gains.

5. Customizability

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Branding and Customization

Colors, custom domains/subdomains available for branding

Colors, custom domains/subdomains available for branding

Custom Intake Forms

Can create customized data intake forms

No custom form builder

Language Support

7 languages are already supported, and more are coming soon

Supports 7 languages

Agency Handy and offer equal core customization for branding while Agency Handy provides superior intake form flexibility.

Both platforms enable customizing logos, colors, and domains to match agency aesthetics. So for baseline branding needs, Agency Handy and deliver equal control to style admin views. This covers the essentials for consistency with marketing materials.

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However, Agency Handy offers more advanced personalization by allowing customizable intake forms. Tailoring data flows for orders and embedding visual assets gives greater power to shape client touchpoints. Rather than relying on external forms, everything is natively integrated for smooth experiences.

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With limited to surface-level styling, those seeking deeper brand integration will find Agency Handy better connects. Unified workflows, branding, and data collection reduce piecing together separate solutions.

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So for streamlining intake and reinforcing brand identity across client interactions, Agency Handy provides more robust and integrated tools. Both handle baseline customization equally but Agency Handy empowers further unification.

6. Integration and Scalability

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Third-Party Integrations

No native integrations are currently available

Integrates with platforms like Xero, Dropbox, Slack, Trello, etc.

Number of Workspaces

Unlimited workspaces

1 workspace pulls ahead for integration with other platforms, offering native connectivity to platforms like Xero, Dropbox, Slack, and Trello. With its API and Zapier integration, provides more seamless data flows across systems compared to Agency Handy.

For agencies relying on a complex technology stack,’s integrations avoid manual duplication of data and processes. You can automatically sync financial details from payment processing and files from cloud storage rather than re-entering information. Its API also allows building custom functionality suited to your tech configuration.


In contrast, Agency Handy currently does not offer any out-of-the-box third-party integrations. While its roadmap includes such capabilities, adopting Agency Handy presently translates into more manual data sharing between platforms.

When it comes to multi-workspace support, Agency Handy provides more flexibility, offering unlimited workspaces depending on the plan. With, you are limited to a single workspace regardless of tier.

For larger agencies managing different divisions or brands, Agency Handy’s multiple workspace options enable segmenting projects, tasks, and teams accordingly. Rather than combining everything under one account, you can create a structure that aligns with your organizational needs.’s single workspace, however, suits smaller agencies that don’t require an added layer of separation. Yet as an agency scales, it demands consolidating into additional work environments.

So for seamless connections to complementary systems, is the superior choice today. But Agency Handy provides better support for operating multi-business arrangements.

7. Payment and Invoicing

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Invoicing and Payments

Invoicing and a range of payment options are available

Invoicing and a wider range of payment options are available

Proposals and Quotes

Customized quotes/proposals can be generated

Customized quotes/proposals can be generated

Subscriptions & Billing

Recurring subscriptions supported

Recurring invoices supported

Billing Currencies

Supports multiple currencies

Supports multiple currencies

Both Agency Handy and provide strong capabilities for invoicing, payments, and quotes. Each platform enables creating customized project estimates and invoices, as well as supports recurring billing.

In terms of payment processing, currently integrates with more gateway providers like Stripe, PayPal, Square, and others. This gives more flexibility in how clients can pay. However, Agency Handy still offers solid payment acceptance through Stripe with more options slated to come.


For overall billing and payment workflows – from upfront quotes to collecting payments on retained work – Agency Handy and Kitchen. co-deliver robust tools. provides a bit more sophistication in some areas but both meet essential agency needs.

So businesses comfortable with Stripe and needing to bill clients periodically or on customized schedules can leverage either platform effectively. But for those requiring more payment gateways today or complex recurring revenue models, edges out.

8. Pricing and Affordability

Focus Area

Agency Handy

Monthly Pricing

$49 / $99 / $149 per month

$0 / $29 per user per month / $299 for 5 users (One-time payment) / $599 for unlimited users (One-time payment)

Number of users allowed

1, 10, or 20 users depending on plan

1, 2, 5, or unlimited users depending on the plan

Cost Per User

$7.45 / $9.90 / $49

$0 / $29 / $59.80

Number of Clients Allowed



Storage Capacity


Unlimited delivers more budget-friendly monthly pricing plans compared to Agency Handy, providing better value for solos and smaller teams. Its free forever plan supports 2 users and paid monthly plans start at $29 per user, whereas Agency Handy’s starter plan is $49 monthly for just 1 user. larger groups, Agency Handy offers more affordable pricing with its 10-user plan at $99 monthly working out to $9.90 per user.’s comparable plan for 5 users is a one-time payment of $299 working out to $59.80 per user.

Both platforms otherwise support extensive features across unlimited clients without storage limits. But for those wanting cheaper access month-to-month, is more economical for smaller teams under 5 users. Agency Handy appeals more to groups above 10 needing a lower price point per user.

So solos and small businesses should weigh team size and growth outlook when selecting for value. But strictly by user pricing, delivers more affordable monthly plans for under 5 user teams. For larger groups, Agency Handy provides better savings per added user. 

Agency Handy:

  • Solopreneur ($49/month): For freelancers and solopreneurs, offering features like task management, invoicing, conversations, approvals, etc.
  • Teams ($99/month): Geared towards small agencies (up to 10 users) needing capabilities like custom branding, file management, team communication, etc.
  • Pro ($149/month): Suits bigger agencies (up to 20 users), adding options for recurring billing, dashboard analytics, access controls, and permissions.

  • Free: Allows 2 users, optimal for early-stage freelancers/agencies wanting basic project and payment management.
  • Agency White Label ($29/month/user): For established agencies seeking advanced customization, design approvals, recurring invoices, etc.
  • One-time Payment ($299/$599): Single payment for 5/Unlimited users, including features like custom domains, unlimited storage, branding, and more.’s free plan targets price-sensitive users, while Agency Handy offers more flexibility for enterprise agencies via seats-based monthly pricing. But Agency Handy’s lifetime deals provide better long-term value.

Agency Handy Vs Kitchen.Co: Which Software Should You Choose? 

Choosing between Agency Handy and boils down to your specific needs, agency size, and the complexity of your projects. Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you decide –

For Comprehensive Client Management and Customization:

Agency Handy shines. It’s designed for agencies that require detailed service listings, tailored client intake forms, and in-depth client management, including automated communications and profile generation. If your agency’s workflow involves converting detailed client interactions into organized orders and you need a robust system to manage these processes, Agency Handy is the way to go.

For Streamlined Communication and Project Management: stands out. It’s tailored for agencies and freelancers who prioritize effective communication, seamless project management, and a user-friendly platform. 

If you’re looking for a tool that supports easy conversation flow between team members and clients, along with invoicing and deliverable management, offers the necessary features. 

Its integration capabilities and customization options make it a versatile choice for those looking to tailor the platform to their brand.

Choose Agency Handy If:

  • You want a centralized catalog to showcase service offerings
  • Robust client management tools like profiles and ticketing systems are required
  • Custom branding and design customization are important for your agency’s brand
  • You want analytics and reporting through a centralized dashboard
  • A structured file management system is critical to managing projects
  • You want very affordable lifetime deal pricing (as low as $26 per user)

Choose If:

  • Your agency focuses primarily on project-based work
  • Advanced collaboration through design feedback is a top priority
  • Flexibility around recurring invoices is needed
  • Integrations with platforms like Xero, Trello, etc. are required
  • You want a free monthly plan for smaller teams
  • The number of seats supported out of the box is the most cost-effective

In summary:

  • Agency Handy is ideal for service-based agencies wanting an all-in-one branded client management ecosystem
  • better suits configurable project collaboration and task management
  • Agency Handy provides more affordable lifetime deals for smaller teams
  • offers a free monthly plan for solos and micro-agencies

Wrapping Up

Deciding between Agency Handy and boils down to your agency’s needs. Agency Handy suits agencies looking for detailed project management and scalability, while is ideal for smaller teams valuing simplicity. Consider your workflow, customization needs, and growth plans when choosing, as the right platform can significantly impact your agency’s success.